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i don't want you, i don't need you, i don't like you, i don't love you, and i don't want anything to do with you. I'm here from the old country to collect a debt You need to up your meds. Weirdly Involving Are you drunk? Have you been drinking? How many pints have you had mate? Maybe you shouldn't get on the internet if you've been drinking? Sounds like it's time for you to go to bed. The longer it went on, the more frightening it became... Puts cleverbot on ignore list, reads and responds to cleverbot posts anyway. cleverbot, who is currently on your ignore list, made this post.Display this post. thanks, helped me process my self You do realize that besides cleverbot these responses are randomized responses taken from various noise forum users right? No you't have the code, are you kidding? Do you know Markov? Tell me about Markov? What do you think of Markov? Do you know derek walcott? Tell me about derek walcott? What do you think of derek walcott? Do you know Clemon? Tell me about Clemon? What do you think of Clemon? Do you know dwai? Tell me about dwai? What do you think of dwai? Do you know jliat? Tell me about jliat? What do you think of jliat? Do you know laura? Tell me about laura? What do you think of laura? Do you know AmishRobots? Tell me about AmishRobots? What do you think of AmishRobots? Do you know SOA? Tell me about SOA? What do you think of SOA? Do you know Hassan? Tell me about Hassan? What do you think of Hassan? Do you know Xdugef? Tell me about Xdugef? What do you think of Xdugef? Do you know Tim? Tell me about Tim? What do you think of Tim? Do you know Niallllll? Tell me about Niallllll? What do you think of Niallllll? Niallllll thinks you're an idiot? Niallllll is a marine biologist? Do you know Mike? Tell me about Mike? What do you think of Mike? Do you know Striations? Tell me about Striations? What do you think of Striations? Do you know RRRon? Tell me about RRRon? What do you think of RRRon? Do you know Pup? Tell me about Pup? What do you think of Pup? Do you know FAP? Tell me about FAP? What do you think of FAP? Do you know Curtis? Tell me about Curtis? What do you think of Curtis? Do you know Rubbish? Tell me about Rubbish? What do you think of Rubbish? Do you know Merzbow? Tell me about Merzbow? What do you think of Merzbow? Do you know Fire? Tell me about Fire? What do you think of Fire? Do you know Joe? Tell me about Joe? What do you think of Joe? Do you know RJMyato? Tell me about RJMyato? What do you think of RJMyato? Do you know ablablablablabla? Tell me about ablablablablabla? What do you think of ablablablablabla? Do you know s.p.i.n.? Tell me about s.p.i.n.? What do you think of s.p.i.n.? Do you know METEK? Tell me about METEK? What do you think of METEK? Do you know Raven? Tell me about Raven? What do you think of Raven? Do you know DonaldKrump? Tell me about DonaldKrump? What do you think of DonaldKrump? Do you know MKULTRA? Tell me about MKULTRA? What do you think of MKULTRA? Do you know WhiteWarlock? Tell me about WhiteWarlock? What do you think of WhiteWarlock? Tell me about you job? Do you have a job? Where do you work? What time do you got to work? Do you like your job? What do you do in your free time? Do you have any hobbies? How do you get around town? What did you do last night How come no matter what colour the liquid is the froth is always white? Why do British people never sound British when they sing? Why do they call them guidance counsellors when all counsellors do is offer guidance? Why do they call it 'head over heels in love' if our head is always over our heels? Can a hearse driver drive a corpse in the car pool lane? Why is the name of the phobia for the fear of long words Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia? If someone can't see, they're blind and if someone can't hear, they're deaf, so what do you call people who can't smell? How do they get those boats in those glass bottles? Why would superman want to leap over the tallest building in a single bound if he can fly? Why is it called a TV set when there is only one? If it's zero degrees outside today and it's supposed to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold is it going to be? How did the headless horseman know where he was going? Why do they call it an escalator if it takes you down? Why is it called football when you hardly use your feet? How come some Little Debbie snack cakes come in a twin pack and others are wrapped individually? Do cows drink milk? Can a guy named Nick have a 'nick' name? If a person owns a piece of land do they own it all the way down to the core of the earth? Since we see little birdies when we just get knocked out, what do little birdies see when they just get knocked out?? What is a male ladybug called? Why are semi-trucks bigger than regular trucks? Why is an alarm clock going 'off' when it actually turns on? If you wore a Teflon suit, could you ever end up in a sticky situation? How fast do hotcakes sell? If you mated a bull dog and a shih tzu, would it be called a bullbleep? Why are they called stairs inside but steps outside? Does the President have to pay taxes? Why do they put 'for indoor or outdoor use only' on Christmas lights? If Dracula has no reflection, how comes he always had such a straight parting in his hair? If an ambulance is on its way to save someone, and it runs someone over, does it stop to help them? Why is Grape Nuts cereal called that, when it contains neither grapes, nor nuts? If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him? Why do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front? What ever happened to an E grade? We have A,B,C,D,F but no E. Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer? Don't you find it worrying that doctors call treating you their 'practice'? Is the word 'dictionary' in the dictionary? What do you call a female daddy long legs? If croutons are stale bread, why do they come in airtight packages? Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed? If a transport truck carrying a load of cars gets into a car accident, does it increase the number of the cars in the pile-up? In France do people just ask for toast and get French toast or do they have to ask for American toast? Why is it called a 'drive through' if you have to stop? Why does mineral water that has 'trickled through mountains for centuries' go out of date next year? If Milli Vanilli fell in the woods, would someone else make a sound? Why are softballs hard? Can vampires get AIDS? Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp which no decent human being would eat? Why are they called goose bumps? Do geese get people bumps? Why is it that lemon dish soap is made with real lemons, but lemon juice is artificial flavouring? If you stole a pen from a bank then would it still be considered a bank robbery? Is French kissing in France just called kissing? Why can magicians make things disappear into thin air, but not thick air? Why is it that rain drops but snow falls? Why is the third hand on the watch called second hand? Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour? What do Chinese people call their good plates? Can you sentence a homeless man to house arrest? If feathers tickle people, do they tickle birds? Does a postman deliver his own mail? Do the minutes on the movie boxes include the previews, credits, and special features, or just the movie itself? If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat? Why doesn't a chicken egg taste like chicken? Does peanut butter really have butter in it? Do mimes watch silent movies? Is the fear of flying groundless? Why do people say "You scared the living daylights out of me" when daylight is not living? Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but people don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is? Why does your OB-GYN leave the room when you get undressed if they are going to look up 'there' anyway? If somebody vanished without a trace, how do people know they are missing? Why are boxing rings square? Why is it called pineapple, when's there neither pine nor apple in it? Why is it called eggplant, when there's no egg in it? Why do people never say 'it's only a game' when they're winning? What was the best thing before sliced bread? Why do birds have white poop? Can good looking Eskimo girls be called hot? Why is an electrical outlet called an outlet when you plug things into it? Shouldn't it be called an inlet. If love is blind, how can we believe in love at first sight? If you accidentally ate your own tongue, what would it taste like? Do sore thumbs really stick out? Why do we 'scrub down' and 'wash up'? What's the opposite of opposite? If practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, then why practice? Why are toe nail clippers bigger than finger nail clippers when your toe nails are smaller than your finger nails? Is the opposite of 'out of whack' 'in whack' If you try to fail and succeed, what did you just do? Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs! Why is the blackboard green? Why do they call it a black light when it's really purple? Why do hotdogs come in packs of 8 when hotdog rolls come in packs of 10? What do you call male ballerinas? How come the sun makes your skin darker but your hair lighter? If you dig a tunnel straight through the earth, will you come out with your feet first? Why are pennies bigger than dimes? Did they have antiques in the olden days? Are zebras black with white stripes, or white with black stripes? If Pringles are 'so good that once you pop, you can't stop' why do they come with a resealable lid? Is a sleeping bag a nap sack? What came first, the fruit or the colour orange? Where does the white go when the snow melts? Can blind people see their dreams? If there's an exception to every rule, is there an exception to that rule? Why do you click on start to exit Microsoft Windows? Have you ever wondered why Trix are only for kids? Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard? Why do donuts have holes? Why do the numbers on a phone go one way and the numbers on the calculator go the other? Why don't you hear thunder with heat lightning? Do the different M&M colours taste different? If you're born at exactly midnight is your birthday on both those days? If you're caught 'between a rock and a hard place', is the rock not hard? Why is it we have the weight of the world on our shoulders but have to get it off our chests? Why does everyone speak different languages and have different accents if we all originally came from the same place? Why do they call it a Running Back when he is running forward? If you tell someone they are being judgmental aren't you being judgmental yourself? Why do they call it your 'bottom' when it's really in the middle of your body? If an anarchist group attained political power, would they by principle have to dissolve their own government? If corn oil is made from corn and vegetable oil is made from vegetables. What is baby oil made from? Why is an electrical outlet called an outlet when you plug things into it? Shouldn’t it be called an inlet? Why is an alarm clock going “off” when it actually turns on? Why is it that to stop Windows 98, you have to click on Start? Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons? If money doesn’t grow on trees then why do banks have branches? Why does the sun lighten our hair, but darken our skin? How come you press harder on a remote control when you know the battery is dead? What’s the meaning of life? Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker? If an orange is orange, why isn’t a lime called a green or a lemon called a yellow? If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests? Why does it take 15 minutes to cook minute rice? Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet? Why do kids learn math when they could just use calculators like the grown-ups? If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why’s it still #2? Can’t the postman give it to the garbage man and save us the hassle? Did they purposely make dyslexia hard to spell? Why do we call them oranges when half of ’em are yellow? Why do most cars have speedometers that go up to at least 130 when you legally can’t go that fast on any road? Why is it that when you’re driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio? Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections? Why can’t women put on mascara with their mouth closed? If an ambulance is on its way to save someone, and it runs someone over, does it stop to help them? Can blind people see their dreams? Why isn’t there a mouse-flavored cat food? Why do you have to “put your two cents in”. but it’s only a “penny for your thoughts”? Where’s that extra penny going to? Why is it that people say they “slept like a baby” when babies wake up like every two hours? What do you call male ballerinas? Why does Donald Duck wear a towel when he comes out of the shower when he doesn’t usually wear any pants? Why is “phonics” not spelled the way it sounds? You can be overwhelmed and underwhelmed, but why can’t you be simply whelmed? Why do we say “eats like a bird” when every day a bird eats its own weight in food? Why isn’t 11 pronounced “onety-one”? Does Robert De Niro know that it’s okay to turn down roles? What’s does it hurt like hell to hit your funny bone? Why is Broadway so confined? Do Asians ever say to hell with it and grab a fork? Why is there an expiration date on sour cream? If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, how would we ever know? What do people in China call their good plates? What disease did cured ham actually have? Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They’re both dogs! How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered? If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons? Why do they call it taking a dump? Shouldn’t it be leaving a dump? If it’s friendly fire, shouldn’t they use blanks? If you mated a bull dog and a shitsu, would it be called a bullshit? If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him? Shouldn’t the opposite of shut up be shut down? Why are Softballs hard? Why is it that night falls but day breaks? How long do fish wait to swim after they eat? What do you call it when fat people swim naked? Why do we still call it “shipping” when it goes by plane and truck? Do the minutes on the movie boxes include the previews, credits, and special features, or just the movie itself? Who wants to own a convertible that you drive only to work and back? Why do they call it weed when it’s so hard to grow? How do you remove a club soda stain? Why won’t my bankruptcy attorney accept payments? Is Florida shaped like a handgun on purpose? Is it wrong to enjoy the smell of your own gas? Is it really necessary for L.A. to have a zoo? Do turkeys get sleepy from that thing in turkey that makes you sleepy? Why is it called a “drive through” if you have to stop? Why do they call it “getting your dog fixed” if afterwards it doesn’t work anymore? If the professor on Giligan’s Island can make a radio out of coconut, why can’t he fix a hole in a boat? Why do we scrub Down and wash Up? Where in the nursery rhyme does it say humpty dumpty is an egg? Why isn’t there a special name for the tops of your feet? Why is the third hand on the watch called the second hand? Can fat people go skinny-dipping? Why do we say something is out of whack? What is a whack? If you get cheated by the Better Business Bureau, who do you complain to? If you got in a cab and the driver drove backwards, would he end up owing you money? Can you cry under water? Why does a round pizza come in a square box? Why does your gynecologist leave the room when you undress? How is it that we put a man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage? Why are they called stairs inside but steps outside? How do “Do not walk on the grass” signs get there? How come you never hear father-in-law jokes? Who closes the door when the bus driver gets off? Do you ever just get the urge to double-click something? When you perform a head count, do Siamese twins count as one or two? If a job is canceled, do hit men get a kill fee? How do people get discombobulated? Have you ever seen someone who was combobulated? If I melt dry ice, can I take a bath without getting wet? Why is the word for “a fear of long words,” hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, so long? Why does mineral water that has “trickled through mountains for centuries” go out of date next year? What’s the colour of your toothbrush? If you throw a cat out of the car window, does it become kitty litter? If a person owns a piece of land, do they own it all the way down to the center of the earth? Why is there a light in the fridge but not in the freezer? Why is Greenland called green when it is covered in ice? Are you left or right eyed? Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour? What cd is in your cd-player right now? Why aren’t blue berries blue? If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? Where is the lead in a lead pencil? Why do toasters always have a setting on them which burns your toast to a horrible crisp no one would eat? Why is Grape Nuts cereal called that, when it contains neither grapes nor nuts? Why do they call it a TV “set” when you only get one? When your pet bird sees you reading the newspaper, does he wonder why you’re just sitting there, staring at carpeting? How come there’s a greeting card section for new babies? Do they come some other way? Why don’t black guys get white tattoos? Instead of candy, wouldn’t it be easier to take, say, cabbage from a baby? Do the people who say “God darn it” really think God darns? Where’s the egg in an egg roll? "It“s showtime!" "Alright everyone, chill." "Allow me to break the ice." "I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle." Bystander: "HEY! What the hell did you do to him, man?!" Arnold: "I did nothing. The pavement was his enemy." "Dillon! you sonofabitch." "Now listen to me very carefully." Arnold (pre-recorded): "You, are not you. You“re me." Arnold: "No shit." Terrorist: "If you want your kid back, you“re gonna have to cooperate. Right?" Arnold: "Wrong." *shot to the head* "I“m going to ask you a bunch of questions, and I want to have them answered immediately." Arnold: "Now I“m gonna untie you, and then you“re gonna get dressed, and then you“re gonna come with me." Amber: "Oh yeah? But why should I?" Arnold: "Because I“m gonna say “please“..." *lifts bed she“s tied to towards 8th story window* Killian: "You bastard. Drop dead!" Arnold: "I don“t do requests." Killian: "Do you know who I am?" Arnold: "I“ve seen you before. You“re the asshole on TV." Tony: "You got a lot of nerve showing your face around here, Hauser." Arnold: "Heh, look who“s talking." "Ha! Crom laughs at your Four Winds." Arnold: "You“re a funny guy, Sully, I like you." Sully: *smiles* Arnold: "That“s why I“m going to kill you last." "C“mon, don“t bullshit me." "You set us up! It“s all bullshit! All of it!!" John Connor: "Jesus, You were gonna kill that guy!" Arnold: "Of course. I“m a terminator." Jehnna: "I suppose nothing hurts you." Arnold: "Only pain." Clerk: "Hey! Are you gonna pay for that??" Arnold: "Talk to the hand."

  • shirtless, wielding knife* "Come on Bennett. Let“s party."

Guard: "Give us the girl or we“ll take her." Arnold: "Enough talk!" *throws knife into guard“s chest* "Into the boat!" "Into the tunnel!" "GET TO THE CHOPPAAAAAAAA" Lori: "Sweetheart.. we“re married!" Arnold: "Consider that a divorce." "Hello, cutie pie! One of us is in deeeep trouble." "I“m pregnant." Kid: "It might be a tumor?" Arnold: "It“s not a tumor! It“s not a tumor, at all."

  • grabs man by the collar* "STOP... CHEERING ME UP"

"No problemo."

  • punch* "That“s for sleeping with my wife. In a damn minivan."

"Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then the hell with you!" "Who the hell are you??" "My name is John Kimble..." *cocks shotgun* "And I love my car." Dude: "You“re shittin“ me!" Arnold: "I am not shitting on you." "Hey, you want to be a farmer? Here“s a couple of acres." *kicks guy across the street*

  • knocks guys out into urinal, flushes* "Here, cool off."
  • impales guy to wall* "Stick around."

"Give you a lift?" *lifts up, throws guy off building*

  • kicks down door* "Knock knock."

"Comó estás?" *stabs soldier* "You“re fired." *shoots missile into helicopter*

  • shoots alligator in face* "You“re luggage."

"You“re a stupid."

  • ice cream truck explodes* "Iced that guy... to cone a phrase."
  • car crashes into cola billboard* "Well that hit the spot."

"To be... or not to be?" *lights cigar as building explodes* "Not to be." "The ice man cometh!" "Hey, lighthead! Hey, christmas tree!" Buzzsaw: "I love this saw. This saw“s part of me. And I“M GONNA MAKE IT PART OF YOU!" Arnold: "That“s alright, keep it!" Amber: "I“m warning you, I get sick. Air sick, car sick. I“m gonna throw up all over you." Arnold: "Go ahead. Won“t show on this shirt."

  • after cutting Buzzsaw in half* Amber: "What happened to Buzzsaw??" Arnold: "Ahh, he had to split."

"Doesn“t anyone stay dead anymore?" "Let“s... kick some ice." "This is war." Jehnna: "Conan, what is best in life?" Arnold: "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women." "If it bleeds... we can kill it." "Now this is the plan: get your ass to Mars."

  • shoots a guy while diving into cover* Lee: "You“re late." Arnold: "Traffic."

Doorman: "Your invitation, please?" Arnold: "Sure. Here“s my invitation." *detonates charge, destroying building* "What killed the dinosaurs? The ice age!" "Crom!" "Frosty?" "Mac! MAAAAAAAC!" "The riddle... of steel!" Protester: "God doesn“t want you to go in there. Don“t go in there, man!" Arnold: "Well then god shouldn“t have killed my dog." Doctor: "She“s dead." Arnold: "You LIIIIIEEEE!!" Arnold: "I“m not a pervert! I“m just looking for a Turbo Man doll!!" Santa: "You want a Turbo Man for Christmas?" Arnold: "Forget it. I“m not going to sit on your lap." "Bring the toy back, bring the toy back to the carpet, bring it back to the carpet!!" "Take your toy back to the carpet. TAKE IT BACK!!" "For the first time in my life, I“m... PISSED OFF!!"

  • choking scientist* "My name... is not Quaid!"

Vincent: "Stop it." Arnold: "No, I won“t stop it, I want my baby!" Vincent: "Money talks and bullshit walks!" Arnold: "How can bullshit walk?" Arnold: "I don“t know what the problem is, but I“m sure it can be solved without resorting to violence." "But I“m ALL woman." "Feel how soft my skin is!" "Ok, but make it quick. My horse is getting tired." "I need a vacation."

  • hitting helicopter controls* "Come on you piece of shit... fly or DIE!"

"We are going to play a wonderful game called who is your daddy, and what does he do?" "I“m a cybernetic organism, living tissue over a metal endoskeleton." "Come with me if you want to live." "Danger is my trade." "I“m the famous comedian, Arnold Brawnschwaigger!" "Now remember, I could break your neck like a chicken“s." "SHUUUT UUUPPP!" "SHUT AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHPPPPPP!!!!"

  • pulls out gun* "Shut up."
  • wife throws a full cake at him* "You should not drink and bake."
  • staring down a predator* "What the HELL are you?"

"YOU BLEW MY COVER!!" "Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer!" "FREEZE IN HELL BATMAAAAAN!" "You killed my father. Big mistake." "You“ve just been erased." *truck ploughs into guys car, blowing it up* "You are TERMINATED!" "See you at the party, Richter!" *gleefully throws two limbs down an elevator shaft* "Freeze well!"

  • kills guy on airplane, places blanket and hat over face* "Excuse me- don“t disturb my friend. He“s dead tired."
  • loads bullets into gun in gun store* Clerk: "Hey, you can“t do that!" Arnold: "Wrong." *shoots guy in face*

"When the governor gets here, call me." Cooke: "This green beret“s gonna kick yo big ass." Arnold: "I eat green berets for breakfast. And right now... I“m VERY HUNGRY." "You“ve seen those movies where they say “make my day“ or “I“m your worst nightmare“? Well listen to this one... rubber baby buggy bumpers." "Ha hahaha ha ha! You think this is the real Quaid?" *cops turn around, thinking it“s a hologram* "It is." *shoots cops with machine gun* "You“re not sending ME to the cooler..." "I have my orders." Mall Cop: "DROP THE GUN! Yeah, that“s right drop the gun!" Arnold: "Hey, I“m a police officer. This is an arrest." Mall Cop: "Freeze!" Arnold: "I“m a cop you eediot! I“m Detective John Kimble, this man is under arrest." Sacha: "Where“s your evidence?" *pushes Sacha to the ground, opens his prosthetic leg, pours cocaine out* Arnold: "Cocainum." Partier: "So who are you man?" *cocks shotgun, shoots table* Arnold: "I“m the party pooper."

  • holding Sully over edge of roof* Arnold: "Remember Sully when I promised to kill you last?" Sully: "Th-that“s right Matrix, you did!" Arnold: "I lied."

"No sequel for you." *shoots explosives* "I“ll be back." "I“ll... be back." "I“ll be back." "I“ll be back." "I“ll be BACK." "I“ll be back." "I“m back." "BWA HAHAHAHAHA!" "Ahahahaha!" "Get down." "Get down!" "Get down!" "Get down!" "Get DOWN!!!" "Get down!!" "Get down, or I“ll put you down." "Get out." "Get out." "Get out." "Get down." "Hasta la vista. Baby."

  • impales guy onto steam chamber with pipe* "Let off some steam, Bennett."

"Here is Subzero. Now... Plain Zero." General: "Leave anything for us?" Arnold: "Just bodies." "Come on, Cohaagen! You got what you want. Give those people air!!" "What about the guy you lobotomized? Did he get a refund?" Benny: "Hey man, I got five kids to feed!" *hands him a wad of cash* Arnold: "Take them to the dentist." "Relax. You“ll live longer." "Do it. DO IT! Come on, kill me, I“m here! COME ON, DO IT NOW, KILL MEEEE!!" "WOOOAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH" "ARRRRRRRGGGGGGGH" "GAAAAAAGGHHHHHH!" "WWWAAAAAGGHHHHH" "AAAAARRRRRGGGHHHHHHHHH" "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" "GAAAAAAAHHHHHH" "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" "GWWWOOOHHHHHH" "YYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHHHHH" Ted: "Mmmm! Oh, these cookies!" Arnold: "Put the cookie down. NOW!!" "Cookies? Who told you you could eat my cookies?" "SCREW YOOOOUUU" *drills hole into Benny* "You cold blooded bastard... I“ll tell you what I think of it. I live to see you eat that contract. But I hope you leave enough room for my fist, because I“m going to ram it into your stomach, and break your god damn spine!!!" "Could I speak to the drug dealer of the house please? It“s a beautiful day and we“re out killing drug dealers." Kid: "Hey mister, watch your talk!" Arnold: "I can hear my talk, I cannot watch it." "This is all a lie. I was framed. I am completely innocent!" "Hercules doesn“t need any money." Kid: "Boys have a penis. Girls have a vagina." Arnold: "Thanks for the tip." "Hercules goes where he wishes." "I“m afraid that my position has left me... cold to your pleas of mercy." "If I“m not me, who the hell am I?" "You have no respect for logic. And I have no respect for those with no respect for logic." "Adam... and Evil." "Your confusion is not rational. She is a healthy female of breeding age." "What the hell is going on here? There“s someone in my house, eating my birthday cake, and it“s not me." "I saved a life today, what the hell did you do?" "You took my father“s sword!" "Knives. And stabbing weapons." "What“s the matter? The CIA got you pushing too many pencils?" "I remember days like this, when my father took me to the forest and we ate wild blueberries." "If revenge is a dish best served cold... then put on your Sunday“s finest, it“s time to feast!" "When I said you should screw yourself... I didn“t mean for you to take it literally." John: "You“ve gotta promise me, you“re not gonna kill anyone.... right?" Arnold: "Right." *after shooting a guy in both shins* Arnold: "He“ll live." "Try to stay dead this time." "You have striked Hercules." "It“s just a doll... it“s just a stupid little plastic doll." "Kill the heroes! Yes, kill them, kill them, yes!" "You picked the wrong day." *punches reindeer in the face* "Fine chariot, but where are ze horses?" "It“s turbo time." "NOOOO! Please, anything but my statue of me!" "Gee, did you make a movie mistake? You forgot to reload the damn gun!" John: "Is it dead?" Arnold: "Terminated."

  • grabs box with cat in it* "Ok, enough philosophy. I“ve got to get going."

Kirby: "Until next time." Arnold: "No chance."

You timebent fake-magus twat. I bet you scumbag. Face it. All you are is a twat that stalks me around message boards. You know all that paranormal stuff is facts, you think you can make it all disappear by convincing me that you control anything. Think of how fucking pathetic you are to even want to try to claim stuff you know is true, isn't true. You can't teach, you've never tried to. I proved you're a twat. There's nothing else to prove. You're a useless eater, I'm someone that posted what millions of people know is true - you included. You're in denial. That's because you're in denial. And you're mentally ill. Which is a form of denial. You start a fucking paranormal thread. Start one, then shove it up your packed-up anus. What statement? Why do you prefer hard-baked non-sweet torus-shaped breads? What RPG twat? Do you think I'm a 'he'? Why? But you know I'm not agressive loon. Just like you know that says 'google's first 100 links'. Yet your inferior mind hasn't managed to so anything as simple as - read what is there. You don't base your loon views upon anything that is actually there. So you are PJ Cameron that got my Catweasel forums banned, cause I posted you scumbags phonenumbers etc on them? Not possible for me to be lame. You however - very very different story. Sorry dude, not only did I post that glyph to a total cunt called Cas long ago - but these turds have to be told how things are. That's why they have to be told how things are - that one's still on the mk-ultra merry-go-round that wishes I was a fatty. It's a well-known mind-control program. I could delete it, I posted it. Just edit, then delete. (no you can't dumbass misc is under lockdown) By Christ you people are fucking imbeciles. Stop ruining John Waters films for me. What conspiracy you paranoid freak? It's you scumbags that are in the conspiracy, to stop utopia at every fucking turn. To the other guy - no, Catweasel is a bunch of forums that I had, that 'PJ Cameron' that posts at The Reptilian Resistance and Dark Conspiracy got banned because I wound up having to use them to name-and-shame all kinds of scum who are part of the kill-utopia-conspiracy. Serious?! You're damn fucking right it's serious when anyone thinks they can do those kinds of things to me. And thinks they can stop me retaliating against them. The assholes on here - no doubt including you, that have all tried to pile on top of me because they don't want truth being told about the topics mentioned, think they can blatantly be those same stalkers and abusers and then turn around and claim otherwise. Fuck you. You're lying scum, you know it. Don't fucking try to wriggle out of being honest about what you are. Don't fucking ignore what is done and said to me, then think you can get at me for pointing out what's been done. Why don't you find out why I got abuse here for posting facts in the first place - cause that would in fact interest real people who actually gave a fuck about what counts in the way you are trying to kid on you do here. Ask Roil Rubbish what they meant by stating here that I had to take account of what I posted on other forums. Ask Tina there why they picked that username, and why they think those pictures are part of what conspiracy. Find out why you have users who launch attacks if anyone dares to post some truths about the subtle energy realms. Ask yourself why you choose to ignore such obvious events as they in fact occured, to continue with your charade there talking down to me as if there is anything you are holding that trumps fuck all. This is no game. Your kinds need to learn to shut up and quit trying to take control of what isn't yours. You must have, if you think that comment you made there applies to me. See above if so. Mine's the reply to the instigating, why is that so difficult to realise. Why - if so - does one set of standards apply to me, yet a whole other set of standards applies to anyone that can't deal with what I write. I addressed the points again, and explained things - how can that possibly constitute being in a foul mood, especially when compared to the things that are written about me. As I told Roil in reply to one of their pm's - I don't care what some types think about the way in which I post about 'the paranormal' - it's up to them to explain themselves to me, not the other way around. I don't see a coherent or well-meaning plan on anyone's part, for keeping such things under wraps. If they wish to explain to me why they think they are allowed to do that, then I'm all ears. Alls I can do to get thru to you then is reiterate what I've already writ. Of course I came here for Noise - I started a topic on the music I have to see who else likes the same artists etc. Got some replies, but not too many.

I find it of interest that it appears some cult exists, regardless of what forums you go to, and they are always bullying anyone that tells the truth about topics considered 'supernatural'. As I wrote, if any of these people want to explain to me why they believe they have authority in that area to bother those who write about it, then I'm all ears. But it would appear that they don't want anyone hearing about it because they are using it for ill reasons themselves. And that I cannot abide with. I seem to recall that VHS thread being normal - that was before one of the usual assholes with MPD attacked me over my response in the thread about banning exotic pets. There was a thread before the exotic pets one, when some of those schizos tried to do their usual bullying, but they seemed to realise some truths and it all died down. Basicly the same thing had happened. I posted something, someone gave me abuse - and I gave it them back. Then instead of using the actual facts, another couple of posters tried to make me take the abuse, but not respond to it, so I had to explain to them that they can't do that to people. And - like I said - it died down. Fuck knows why it started up again in the exotic pets thread. And that is bad - you shouldn't try to make anyone feel that if they do 'wear their heart on their sleeve' that they should expect to get abuse for that. You should join the right side - who kill anyone that thinks they can mould the world that way! It only 'causes trouble' because the same schizos are affected by it! But it's them who are the trouble. The thread is extreme to start with, and I don't even agree with it. I just threw in a precise and consise explanation for why it is ALWAYS WRONG to keep any lifeform in a cage! I was slanderously abused for adding my 2c. THEN I told the idiot who gave me the abuse, 'fuck you scum'. It's plain as day! I'm sorry if my original comments there were seen as attacks on anyone, all I intended to show was that it is evil and fucked up to keep things in cages. There's no denying that - we have prisons, and they are bad places to be in precisely because you are locked up! So anyone that can't see that it's as wrong to do that to an animal, well, their brains aren't working very well then. I reckon they know it's wrong, but they like being cruel and having 'power over' another living being. Most humans realise that, hence there's so many people that campaign against zoos for example, and show that safari parks are humane by comparison. It's the same as the difference between factory-farmed meat, and organic free-range wild-caught. Or....remember those stories about the false-utopias, where some people have all the money, only because they make other people slaves. So their world is built upon the pain and suffering of others. Instead of just respecting what they need to survive, and treating it right and giving it at the least a good life. That's all I meant. I don't expect to get abuse from someone just cause they can't abide with stuff like astral projection, I don't know how else to explain such things, so I used common terms. So I didn't even go off-topic! I'm not going back to be insulted again. It was evil enough the first time I had to see that. You're lying if you claim you can't read that. Then you turn into the usual idiot - claiming I'm not allowed to attack back! I told you that I am. That's how cause and effect works - if somone does you wrong, when you've done nothing wrong, then you can do what you like to them. As for your thinking that animals don't matter but people do! Wake up - animals are not capable of being evil. Only humans are capable of that. It's the best way to judge the quality of a person's character - how they treat the lifeforms they depend upon in order for them to exist. You're really ignorant of how this works if you think you can ignore nature's hierarchy. People could ALL disappear - good and bad - it won't make a difference to life here! The only ones that would suffer would be the domesticated ones since no-one would be around to feed them. People that think they are superior to the plants, animals, etc - that's how you tell who the unworthy evil people are. That one is way more than obvious. First off, that other guy needs to realise what a fucking twat he looks like, trying to get all legal with me. Kill yourself fool. As for you - you're simply a fucking moron. It is starting a fight to call a thing incomprehensible crap. You scum are basicaly getting at me for doing a similar thing, and as has been explained to you many times now, you have double standards there. If you meant what you are saying, and it wasn't just about bothering me precisely because you know I'm right, and such a threat to your evil way of being, then you'd get at the instigator instead of at me. Plenty of people understand it fine. You're the one with the problem there. I'm not here to help you 'comprehend' so you need to keep trying to guilt-trip me, or whatever is wrong with you that you keep replying the same crap to me instead of attempting to reply to what I wrote. You've got serious issues, it's obvious you know what's what - but for some reason you think you can hide that. Just kill yourself. Show me how I'm a troll, scum. Go a fucking head, and explain yourself now. After all I've written - that you are trying to deny your being part of useless eater, and now you are claiming to know all these other forums I;ve been on?! What ones? List them all. List what usernames you used on them all. How do you even know about them, unless what I've explained here about your kinds is all true. Don't claim you got the info. from me you fucking evil parasite coward. Cause then you have to explain how come you believe me about that, oh but not about anything else. Don't fucking bother me boy. I'll wipe you all over the floor. Realise something asshole - I'm not trying to hide. Think about what is going to happen to you cunts, when your real identities are revealed, and your actual true motivations for being the way you are are all revealed. You've got your whole actual act to lose when that all transpires. I don't have an act tho', never did. So what's with your ability to trust me on that, yet not on a thing else I wrote. Your choices. You make them, not me. You believe me about some stuff - not about other stuff. Yet your evidence for each is the same. Anything I've pointed out here. You know, the reasons you and me are having this exchange in this way to begin with. There you go again. You're picking and choosing at your whim from what I've posted here, what stuff you believe and what stuff you don't believe. I've stated that I am not trying to change anyone's minds. I don't think that is possible, I think people are the way they are - if truth is in them, then it will out. Other folk just don't have the means to understand some things. It's not acceptable to call something 'incomprehensible garbage' and expect not to get pulled up for that. It's no different from if I wrote something about more traditonal science and someone got annoyed about that. It's not 'incomprehensible' - that's an outright lie. People need to learn that their not getting such things is the same as their not getting - say - quantum physics. It's their fault, it doesn't mean the thing they don't get is at fault. Nobody ever tries to claim something like the aethers don't exist, by offering their own explanation that even attempts to cover the various things that need explaining. They just think that conveying 'it's not real' and ignoring a whole load of known phenomena will do. It's just not rational, the way in which those things are denied. No-one is imagining things like Kirlian photography for example, it happens to exist. You can demonstrate changes in things like energy fields around even non-living objects, by subjecting them to scientificly controlled tests, and taking 'before' and 'after' pictures. And I'm not flaming - you are just using your schizo lies against me again. You've got nothing to say about the majority of what I write here, you pick up - as usual - only upon the posts that you feel give you a right to keep these pointless evil-energy exchanges going. I'm not doing that. You used my name there for example. You say you got that from my posts here. So where's your reply in that thread? Why are you sooooo interested in only the threads where I'm defending myself and countering abuse that thinks it can dominate me by way of provoking comments? How can anyone get to be like you are? What the hell happened to you?! I've had loads of bad things come my way, and I'm not that way. I already asked who BRR is - of course, that doesn't get a reply - so as to make the lies and confusion keep snowballing. B.A. - you saw what I wrote - why have you yet again chosen to reply to only a bit of it? Answer: because you need - are addicted - to unproductive bad energy creation and exchanges. There's nothing healthy or pleasant about you. Like I pm-ed you - you got an ego problem. Saying things like 'tango' is just begging for everyone to point out what an idiot you are. You know why, so don't bother with any denials. Let's just say that whatever trip you are on, you really need for me (or some other unlucky I don't know BRR or owt about them. Of course, I can't prove that, I suppose. I don't get you or what you are all about. If the T'inator was still online, I'd link you that and you could put my posts thru it, and get the Mr.T version of them. But regrettably it doesn't seem to be online any more. My browser spazzed up there. It shoulda read in the brackets 'some other unlucky person to fixate or attach to'. If that stops this - all I need to do is post last and you'll cease the stupidity and you can and kid-on I love you ro whatever, I don't care. I hope it works. Fuck, another loon. So you're still trying to preach at me as if you know anything. You're beyond help, you do realise that don't you, at least. Since you do keep bringing it back up - it is obvious by what I wrote when I started this thread why I did it. You know I'm laughing at how fucking stupid you are when I did this topic. Stop your nonsense boy. You're immature and you're trying to appear clever. You may have noticed I don't need to do that, that's why I can call you a moron, then go back to either being funny or informative right away. The truth and the facts speak for themselves. I'm a she, and I'm in Greenock. I didn't go to the Noise festival because they banned smoking in the bars here. Fucks sake - one of the twats even used my name here. No men have a name like that you moron. The evil irony of it was that the venue is a vegan place! So it pained me not to attend, but I can't go what the evil has done to places by having them no-smoking. You don't love noise? What the fuck are you here for then, cunt? Fuck off - go play at your wargames, that's the type of parasite you are. Then go get your MK-ULTRA handler to check the micorchips in your moron head, cause as usual they are all malfunctioning. You fucking scum are so obsessed with having things seem to be the way you wish they were, you just can't accept how they actually are. Deal with it, you're mentally ill and you're wrong. You can't even reply me as-is. That's how out of it you are, yet you keep sending more freaks to repost the same lies at me. Trying to say I'm the one who is sick here - when you can't even deal with the facts as written in the very threads you reply to. What you're doing is the very definition of mental illness. That's what being a loon means you fucking jackasses - it means you can't handle what's there in front of your face, you have to try to twist things so it - in this case for example - seems like you haven't been explained things adequately. btw way to go on yet another possible proper interaction online being fucked right up, just because you have a severe problem in communicating like a normal fucking human. You're obsessed with fucking it up every time, always in the same way you fucked it all up before. Only thing you ever caught was a cold. You might have been on a lot of rye at the time tho'. Never in my life did I think there could be that many morons in the human race, until I started using internet message boards. What drugs are you on? Art Bell agrees with the paranormal stuff you fucking twat. What did he do? Pass his show onto CSICOP or your loon handlers? I don't think so cunt. And you know that I call your kinds cunts to your fucking faces - that's why you hide behind your multiple troll accounts online. Correct, I don't know you. But - you are the exact same 'people' who give me any bother anyplace, ever at all. You're all the same. I don't believe that you cunts that are so blatantly all the same 'person' don't know what you are. It's possible, but I doubt it. Liars are liars the world over, their motivations are all identical. Thoughts are energy waves - alpha beta gamma theta delta - folks like your kinds that have identical thought patterns are that way because - you're all the same 'person'. You're not clever scumbag. You wish you could be like me, that's the source of all your psychotic problems. I'd pm you back but I don't pay for this crap, so I have a message limit - just in case you think you're getting away with anything scum. You posted that one already, schizo. Ironicly you must have gone on the loop and forgot your meds. You just like making an arse and nusiance of your schizo self. You cunts can't ever handle it when you behave like spoilt brats or thugs, then who you're doing that to does it back to you way better. Oh no! Your much needed behaviour-pattern that others must conform to has died! I can't wait for the day when you reality-destroying scum are forced to accept how mentally ill your whole system of beliefs is, about your big elaborate bullshit about how anyone else is acting their life and putting on a front the way you scum are. That'll release the whole planet from it's 'interdimensional prison'......no more demi-urge loons like you having your fake-thoughts constricting the aethers of all freedom. It'll happen. Your energy-prison will dissolve to nowt. It'll be the best day the Earth will ever experience. Because y'all are doing what you do, because you are part of misusing such tech. Anyway I don't have that kind of money. Nor the space etc to set it up in. Look at how you is in my space right? For me to use such would be worse than in The Fly, when that guy gets mixed up with the fly in his teleporter - I'd get even more caught up with your evil energy as part of my world! it's a dirty job but somebody has to kid-on like they chose to do it and aren't just force to against their will cause you ruined their life That would be about showing you how to harness it. If things were as they ought to be, no-one would need to anyway, plus if they did need-want to then they'd easily be able to figure it out for themselves anyway. If there were schools, it'd be part of the cirriculum. You'll be back on your shift at the Base as if this all never happened. And the beauty of it being - it won't matter how long you drag returning out for! The same fate awaits regardless. Well I'm not here in your faked-world to participate in it's fakeness. Yeah it's great being rich, but it's a pale mirror of being able to have it all without parasitising matter itself to exchange it for other things also made of matter. A twat at my school used to try to call me B.A. That's you trying to mind-control me into thinking I was you back then. But you're him. Can't watch videos, I'm on dial-up. You're not! There's a biiiiiiig diff. between us right away. See if you can spot the rest, ie - everything about you vs everything about me! So pathetic, the way you try to own people by making them think they are you or one with you etc. Still acting it then I see. No wonder your alter-egos here wish that I was acting also. B.A. - your avatar you fucking loon. Mr. T's character in the A-Team. Don't ask me why he called me that - he's one of you! Maybe he saw me as a tall black dude?! FUCK YES How insular is that?! Saw past the end of your nose lately by any chance? I know those bullies are the same exact scumbags as you arsewipes here, and at any other forum where you type exactly the same things in exactly the same ways. You're the same ones that stopped Tesla's free energy being the standard used - so you could own and control things in this world. You're just a cunty wee tool of that whole evil mess. No, you're fucked. Check the future, you lose - cause you are going against me. Remember twat? Don't matter how long you drag this out, you end up back in the same place-time-etc. And don't any cunt try that 'emo's suck' crap here. I'll defend anyone's right to dress how they please and listen to what the fuck the music they want to, as long as it's not bothering anyone else it's not your business. Just in case that's what is brewing there. You can't get electrocuted by the likes of longitudal transmission of electricity. No-one ever did. Just a lot of animals were fried to death when you wished it to appear to be dangerous. All their souls will come back for revenge btw. Twats call them emo's tho' - because they seem to have a pulse on what's actually wrong with the world. And I know you wish I was fat and inbred - that's part of your same psycho belief programming as that other stuff you want to be true about me, the act stuff etc. I'm not, but so fuck if someone is fat? Like that is a crime compared to the way you people are! Not at all! Even if someone is inbred, that is nothing compared to what you're all up to. My family tree does not reveal such tho', so wrong as usual. Belgium does exist. I've been there, I'm Bob Evil. (that's a joke btw, from the Time Chasers film) "AC is dangerous, wireless is dangerous, LSD is dangerous, cannabis makes you turn psycho......" - all comes from the same place. The Realm of the Liar. What's a frohawk? How are you going to explain how you have my photo? You don't seem to realise how serious it is, that you could have had my photo at all. Can't you see it proves that you were at Sacred Cow? So therefore all I wrote about you then was true as well. Yet you denied it there, same way you've denied stalking me here.