Dr. Feitnathoroth

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Dr. Feitnathoroth
Real name: Evgeny Solomatin
Aliases: FoG
Country: Russia
City: Krasnoyarsk
Own Labels: Folvork prod.

Main projects: GORDUW Side projects: Tchort, Hilderend, 16P17R15O19T15O19T23Y16P, Corpus Collosum, Lilly, Unit-Ass, Abdication, U238 One-time projects: Mossad Collaboration projects:

In groups:
Site: folvorkmusic.chat.ru, vk
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Dr. Feitnathoroth is Russian Black Metal/noise/Industrial/Ambient/New Age musician from Krasnoyarsk. He is founder of Folvork prod. movement and author of many projects. From 2004 to 2007, Dr. Feitnathoroth is serving a sentence in a high security colony.

Main Projects

Side Projects

One-time Projects