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ANTIREALITY is project from Latvia varying from harsh to ambientoid noise. usual expression methods are feedback/abstract sounds, tape manipulations and frequency soundscaping. Never uses computer/sampler in recording/mixing process. There are also active sideprojects - STALKSPACE [together with BALLET RACHITIS] , AN [together with RAY OF THE RADIATION] , SYNDROME [with DE7S , TWRCH TRWYTH , RAY OF THE RADIATION]. Most of albums, sideprojects and collaborations are available as free downloads at [1]

and [2]

albums :

nuklearia (2000) [surreaktor emanationz cdr ltd 79 copies]
thecykle (2001) [projektion tapes]
metafront (2001)
soundmare (2001) [ixtlan industries cdr]
ritez ov korrozion (2002)
iron makroinsektz iv (amokflight) (2001)
dementokratia (2002)
harshwave (2003)
voidkraft [live@RadioOzone 18.12.2003] (2003)
fungamental [live@home 01.01.2004] (2004)
torsion [live@AudioLSD 10.07.2004] (2004)
st.упор [live@Sturm24.4.2004] (2004)
diskotek grotesk (2005)
shadowzareashezovsun (2005)
algorhythmykos (2005) [with Ballet Rachitis]
omniperpendikular (2005) [with Ballet Rachitis]
full spectrum monochrome [klangwald festival live split with Ballet Rachitis and MC Foma] (2005)
beatkrakk (2006)
light generation [live@treshaa auss , RadioNaba 25.04.2008]
live@radio naba 05.09.2008 [with Bernu Rits, J.Grzinich, Joy Laav, P.Mcginley, Elfriede]
nechakra [live@RadioNaba 12.12.2008 with Bernu Rits and F. Mangan]
procession/noissecorp (2008)
ab hoc et ab hac [live@RadioNaba 21.06.2009 with Bernu Rits, J.R.French, J.Grzinich, S.Whetham, Sound Meccano]
frakt (2009)
swinging silver sinuszoid sirens (2009)
somnambulistik sonar soliloquy (2009}
split with Armenia (2010} [BizarreAudioArts web release]

tracks appear on :

v/a Sturmer I [track : lifeless warfare] cdr (2001)
v/a Napalmism [track : khaos29012003] cdr ltd 97 copies (2003)
v/a Sekond Napalmism [track : komorbidity - collaboration live with Ballet Rachitis] cdr ltd 97 copies(2003)
v/a Sturmer III cdr [track : harshwave (fragment)] (2004)